Sunday, October 9, 2016


To those whose water's being stolen in CO - or pick any state in the West - Republicans bailing on Trump does not a surprise.
They, with Democrats, Progressives et al, are in bed together in the business of seizing control of our water.
The most fertile imaginations can't even come close to how water thieves confuse, threaten, manipulate, pay off and collude with many of our elected officials and news reporters.
I've tried hard (ask anyone) to get a reporter to investigate this. Some started, but then without a word inked, stopped.
Because he'd do a terrific job, I've asked Dinesh D'Souza, "Please do 'Water Runners. A Documentary about America's Water Running Cartel."'
Trust me folks. It's not Ms. Clinton versus Donald Trump, it's Water Rights Owners versus the Water Running Cartel.
Donald Trump in on the side of Water Rights Owners. Hillary Clinton made her commitment to killing fields.
What your choice boils down to in this entire election for POTUS is: Do you want Trump - who will protect your right to eat food? Or do you want Hillary - who wants you to eat cake; flourless, eggless, milkless, sugarless cake?
Think long and realistically about this kiddos.
Thank you.
