Betcha if you did an honest survey of people who have had wolves/grizzlies/bison/feral horses/prairie rats and sage grouse forced on them, you'd find they are vilified by those who haven't "volunteered" one damn minute or penny towards those critters board and room!
If you want to see authentic bigotry, peruse any threads by Anti-industrialists/ranchers/farmers/miners/loggers/fishermen and you'll witness non-stop loathing and venomous hatred.
The Anti's have zero tolerance towards the man who grows your veggies, the lady who milks cows, the young person who fishes or runs cattle, the guy who brings you coal, the lady who engineers the latest tool and die.
The Anti's livelihoods aren't dependent on a 24-7, 365 un-glamourous work.
When a person's livelihood is dependent on weathering the weather, getting slapped in the face with a manured tail, dealing with rank bureaucrats, bulls and rams, understanding taxes and herbicides, juggling markets and trucks, their opinions differ from the Anti's who mostly sit in offices trying to create new ways to harm the before mentioned.
As one who's livelihood was once dependent on dairy farming, then raising four children in a city, then full circle back to a farm, I've worked in and deeply observed both urban and rural.
The cavernous divide between urban and rural is why I gladly tried to help Jeffrey T. Hare on the 51st State Initiative.
The divide is greater today, and yes, that's makes me very sad.
On Facebook, I've read many who, just because they once "visited a farm," tout themselves as "experts" in the Ag world.
But they reveal their ignorance the minute they open their mouths with, "You're wrong. You're stupid. You take our spa water to grow stuff that kills us! You need to be regulated off the planet!"
Some portend to be cowboys. But the minute a real deal Cowboy asks for help, they suddenly, "Have a job. Can't miss work," or, "need to be paid."
Hell! The real deal Cowboy has "a job. Can't miss work," and would like to be paid too. But instead, the Anti's and faux cowboys conjure up crap that forces the real deal Cowboy into getting off their horse, clean up, go into town, spend their money on fuel- hiring someone to continue calving out - meals and a room (if they have to stay in town), just to meet with the faux cowboy and their clients who want the real deal Cowboy dead.
The faux cowboy's never had to endure loosing their profit margin to Bureaucrat Control.
An Anti has never heard some dumbass Anti snarkily say, "Oh look. That mean farmer doesn't want to feed the poor and hungry."
Those are just a few of the reasons why, I keep asking, "Come walk with me."
The Anti's aren't bad people. They're just deliberately misled by bad people!
One week with me, and at the least, Anti's will learn goodness and mercy.
a) We're not bad people deserving to be imprisoned or shot. b) We're fair. c) We dig for truth and facts in the soil and boardrooms. d) We're slow to talk, because we try to think before we talk. e) We're nice to everyone...equally! f) We love animals. g) In addition to knowing our products are dependent on our great stewardship of the land and water, we simply love beauty. We love pretty view sheds. h) We love talent! Whether it comes out in music, acting, painting, photography, inventions or walking on a high open beam. i) We take pride in providing food, clothes and shelter. j) Should you get stuck, we're always ready to bail off the tractor and help. k) We raise likeable children. l) We have manners. m) We read books. o) We sing in the choir. p) We serve on the school/church/whatever board. q) We're honest. r) We still tip our hats and open doors for ladies. s) We love it when our man brings us a flower in his calloused tanned hands. t) We pitch the ball for our dogs, and make hay beds for our kitties. u) We salute our United States of America flag, and defend your right not to. v) We will continue to protect you, even though you hate us for "having a gun." w) We know economics. x) We love comedians who are actually - funny. y) Though we may disagree with you, we'll never hit you below the belt nor strip you your pride. z) We're not bigots nor racists.
We're just plain ol' nice folks. We'd appreciate your reciprocation in kind.
Come walk with me.
Thank you,
Momma Roni
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